Andy Andrews a Studio7 Inc fotós emeritusa.
Az első fényképezőjét, egy Argus C3-at 11 évesen kapta. Még midig megvan neki és alkalmanként még mindig készít vele képeket fekete-fehérben. 1969-ig szolgált az amerikai hadseregben helikopter pilótaként. Aztán 1972-ben Andy elköltözött San Francisco-ba hogy szabadúszó divatfotósként dolgozzon a SFO divatközösségnek. Ott eldöntötte, hogy a karrierjét a divatfotózásnak fogja szentelni. Amint látható, felépített egy nagyon széleskörű portfóliót, élt és dolgozott New York-ban, Párizsban és Milánóban.
- Studio7 – https://www.studio7-inc.com/about/
Andy Andrews is the Photographer Emerits for Studio7.
Received his first camera, an Argus C3 when he was 11 years old. He still has that camera and occasional will shoot some black and white film with it. He served in the US Military as a helicopter pilot until 1969. Andy moved to San Francisco in 1972 to work as a freelance fashion photographer for the SFO fashion community. There, he was inspired by the culture to devote his career to fashion photography.
- Studio7 – https://www.studio7-inc.com/about/
As you can see from the collections here, he went on to develop an extensive portfolio. living and working in New York, Paris, and Milan. From the intimacy of his light and spacious studios to beautiful panoramic landscapes around the world, he loves choosing locations to fit a shoot, something that his passion for travel plays a key part in.
He is best known for his rich, emotive and dynamic style, blending classic lines with luscious colors.
He travels a great deal. His home in on the beach near Melbourne Florida, when he and his 4 rescued Labradors walk the beach and play in the surf.
Andrew now happy to be available working on special projects.